Friday, November 17, 2006

women feminists

Feminist women are afraid of so many things:
They try to prove they are strong
and end up as hypocrats
They try to prove they are strong
by choking their expression
by hiding tears under throats.

I heard them proclaim
"I don't cry"
"did you think I'm weak as to be sad of this?'
"y did Vinaya cry;and y did she resist and react if she can't take up struggle without crying"

My Gawd!
i can't tolerate this.
I do cry
in public
on the dining
day or night...
n can't imagine crying in the bathroom
with the four walls to enhance ur pain
orhte heart to harden with pain,despair and dust.

I'm a feminist
who believes
all expressions are strength.

I cry
i smile
i kiss
i make love

1 comment:

Suresh P Thomas said...

I cry
I pant
I sweat
I have orifices
I am just like any other women
So you wont miss me

(From the movie Blue)