Sunday, August 18, 2013

to go
to stop
to go down
to crack to mend
to gogo mend to get down cracked
through you
and through this
give in
give in love, to gain to lose
to go in into insane
baseless getting down
into through into to into you, to we, to I to melt to give to gain, though
through you.

Friday, February 1, 2013

in "Life of Pi", there is no actual shipwreck, it was Pi's dream, his creation. He wanted to wish away people who were obstacles to his contact between tiger and his higher self. His journey to prove that his belief in animals having a soul is true. In the end he proves that there is no truth that people would believe. sab log apne apne truth create karthe hei. His grief in seeing the tiger choosing his independent route to jungle without turning back- the ultimate reality that he didn't take time to turn back, to say good bye-- explains the intensity of his beliefs and final acceptance of his father lessons. He didn't approve of it until he tested it. When he knew that it helped him survive it is not yet complete acceptance of those lessons of reason. It is a balance of both compassion and reason. Because he got a company in the wild life through his faith in animals and his life had a purpose of knowing not feeding the tiger, as he put it.
Regarding Ashish Nandy : There is a manipulation involved in trapping intellectuals in their "in between states". But the question is whether we need that manipulation for movements. i think yes
For me, knowledge is not the issue...But being able to bear knowledge on my limited scope of body, mind and life is.
"he liked women who were not necessarily more stupid but lazier than himself. Sloth aroused him: a girl's unwashed dishes were an invitation to laxity and indulgence." ---Margaret Atwood, 'Polarities' .

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

That was the day I decided to be good against fear, to be fearless against wreck. Three things happened at the same time. Ben Okri's lament on spirits, the library Staff's cry over each other " are, paagal hei kya" and the bell. IT was fear.
Then two cries rebuilt behaviour on wall of future actions.
One, of a woman for a mad lover and two , of a mad woman over the abusive days with her husband.
My voice to them, clearly was that, you are born!
The moment is carrying three living beings at the same time, or two. It is OK even if it is called things, not human beings, because when love happened, it was taking you out of you, without asking your permission, the moment you let in created a terrible beauty. ITs strain and strings are not pain, its rhythmic and you be careful not to be deaf. IT was the day rain was reluctant to touch the ground.